there the other narrative at play
Israelis are being purposefully kept in a bubble of propaganda, where every Palestinian (in their eyes) wants to kill all Israelis (some will even say all the Jews everywhere). In the same way, many Palestinians are fed with that same rhetoric, only with the roles reversed. I know it not a biunivocal correspondence between both stances, as Israel is the occupying power, but you get my point.. costume wigs My question about specialization is if you and your friend would be overlapping skills. For example, if you are the logging expert, then you need to buy lots of skills in Carpentry while your friend tries to avoid ever doing anything with logs. cheapwigshop On the other hand if both of you spend points in logging, then that slows down how quickly you can finish the game. costume wigs Lace Wigs I loved holding my son every minute I could when he was just a wee babe. Even more so after my mother in law finally went home after helping me out after my c section. It was a bit of a str...